The set that will make anyone have the best year of their life.
Natural Loofah Facial Scrubber
loofah sponge just for facial scrubber to help exfoliate your facial skin.
اسفنجة اللوف لتنظيف الوجه فقط للمساعدة في تقشير بشرة وجهك.
Hand Cream
Light, non-greasy Hand Cream with pure essential oils, and vitamin E, formula will restore smoothness to dry and damaged hands.
Ingredients: Soy Wax, Black opium, Rose oil, Jojoba oil, Lavender oil, Phenoxyethanol oil, Vitamin E.
المكونات: شمع الصويا ، الأفيون الأسود ، زيت الورد ، زيت الجوجوبا ، زيت اللافندر ، زيت فينوكسي إيثانول ، فيتامين إي.
Mist is one of the few beauty products that anyone and everyone could benefit from using.
They refresh your skin.
They hydrate your skin on the go.
They help to seal in extra moisture.
They prime your skin.
They help blend your makeup.
They make your makeup look more natural.
You can even spray it in your hair.
How To Use Face Mist
1) Pop off the top.
2) Close your eyes and mist 11-12 inches from skin, before or after makeup.
4) Get glowing!
Ingredients: Rose water, Aloe vera, Cassis rose oil, Phenoxyethanol oil, Vitamin E.
المكونات: ماء الورد ، الصبار ، زيت الورد كاسيس ، زيت فينوكسييثانول ، فيتامين هـ.